Living in a timeless art piece: Unveiling the Horizon Hills masterpiece
WELCOME to Horizon Hills, where living is not just an act but a masterpiece in motion. Here, the concept of home evolves into something far greater – a timeless architectural wonder. Craftsmanship, the cornerstone of excellence, stands tall as the first stone on Horizon Hills’ foundation. Every detail, meticulously sculpted, reflects a dedication to perfection. […]
Embrace, empower children with developmental disorders
SOME 150 people, including parents of children with developmental disorders, gained valuable insight in a special event at Horizon Hills Golf and Country Club in Johor Baru. The event, themed “Beyond the Spectrum” features a series of talks focused on guiding and raising awareness among parents about autism, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and other developmental […]
Horizon Hills shines brighter in the heart of Iskandar Malaysia
ISKANDAR MALAYSIA, which was conceptualised as an economic growth corridor in 2006, encompasses an area of 2,217 sq km across Johor, or about three times the size of Singapore and two times the size of Hong Kong. Described as a logistics triangle, it has the Senai International Airport to the north, Port of Tanjung Pelepas […]
Gamuda Land launches latest mall in Johor Bahru, Horizon Mall
KUALA LUMPUR: Gamuda Land recently launched Horizon Mall, a 150,000 square foot neighborhood mall featuring nature-inspired architecture and a diverse range of lifestyle offerings. The property developer said the mall aims to serve as a convenient one-stop destination, catering to needs such as grocery shopping, family dining at a variety of restaurants, clinic visits, and […]
Gamuda Land Introduces Horizon Mall, A New Vibrant Community Hub Featuring Renowned Anchor Tenants
ISKANDAR MALAYSIA – Malaysia’s Top Developer, Gamuda Land recently introduced Horizon Mall – a 150,000 sq ft neighbourhood lifestyle mall with biophilic architectural design that enhances the already vibrant and flourishing community of Horizon Hills. The mall will bring an exciting mix of lifestyle offerings to the community, and aims to be a one-stop destination […]
Gamuda Land Introduces Horizon Mall, A New Vibrant Community Hub Featuring Renowned Anchor Tenants
ISKANDAR MALAYSIA – Malaysia’s Top Developer, Gamuda Land recently introduced Horizon Mall – a 150,000 sq ft neighbourhood lifestyle mall with biophilic architectural design that enhances the already vibrant and flourishing community of Horizon Hills. The mall will bring an exciting mix of lifestyle offerings to the community, and aims to be a one-stop destination to […]
浩然山庄新项目KingsWood 高端住宅贴近大自然
(新山11日讯)又是房产升级的大好机会,浩然山庄(Horizon Hills)新项目KingsWood等您投资,加入当地高端住户一起享受无与伦比的优雅生活。 KingsWood贴近绿意大自然,住户得以享受清幽静谧环境,及使用齐全的基本设施。 单位有限,双层与三层田字屋,各有50单位,皆是永久地契。土地面积35尺x80尺,每间单位拥有至少10尺或以上的私人庭院空地。 双层田字屋的建筑面积从3273平方尺起,格局是四间卧室、一间佣人房、五间浴室和家庭室,售价从160万令吉起。 三层田字屋建筑面积从4406平方尺起,格局是五间卧室、一间佣人房、六间浴室、三楼还有宽敞大气的空间,适用于打造家庭室、学习区或休闲娱乐区,售价从200万令吉起。 60%绿地空间 浩然山庄一直是寻找房产与投资者的关注焦点,是许多人向往居住的高素质宜居城镇。 整体而言,浩然山庄是一座永续发展的现代综合城镇。发展商大方地保留60%土地作为开放式绿地空间,包括地势较高的丘陵地带,使得整个城镇以郁郁葱葱的绿色植物点缀,保留区内的自然美。 今年Invictus 国际学校进驻与开课后,提高了社区学子的教育便利,以及当Horizon Mall启用之时,势必升级社区商业活力。 高端超市Grocer也筹备入驻,日常所需可谓应有尽有。 浩然山庄位处优越的地理位置,居民享有便捷的交通网络,无论取道依斯干达滨海大道、马新第二通道、士姑来大道、新山大道(栢林高速大道)、南北大道等,皆非常便利。 详情可亲临Horizon Hills展销厅或致电07-232 3433咨询。 来源:财经新闻/浩然山庄新项目kingswood-高端住宅贴近大自然
Up to 75% of recent home buyers at Horizon Hills work in Singapore
Horizon Hills is a township in Johor Bahru with a private 18-hole par 72 designer golf course (The Edge Singapore). Horizon Hills is a 1,200-acre (485.6ha) integrated township in Iskandar Puteri, Johor Bahru. Now in its 16th year, the project is 60% completed and has a gross development value of RM6 billion ($1.7 billion). The […]
Mansion18, latest launch at Horizon Hills enjoys over 90% take-up rate
IN certain countries, golf courses are now being integrated as part of larger real-estate projects. Golf courses are expected to elevate the image of a community. The homes in golf course communities are more highly valued and sold for higher prices. So, why not invest in a luxury home with a private golf course blended […]
Horizon Hills与大自然为邻 综合性城镇打造舒适生活
有车有房相信是大部分人的生活清单。只有舒适的环境,才能享有“高品质生活”。而Horizon Hills主打带来高品质居住环境,从整体外观到内部设计都让人赞叹,绝对是人生一大满足。 以绿色景观为主以及充满活力的综合性城镇Horizon Hills是由两大领先发展商Gamuda Land与UEM合资开发的项目。两大发展商秉持着 “在优越地理位置开发繁华且可持续发展城镇” 作为发展理念,用15年的时间精心打造一个低密度、混合发展且绿意盎然的城镇。 对于崇尚大自然的人士,Horizon Hills绝对是置产首选。Horizon Hills总面积达1200英亩,主张与大自然合而为一,城镇内成功培育出丰富的自然生态与多样性植物,每一处景观都可以让你贴近大自然,清幽与舒适的环境,让你随时放松心情。 住在这里随时有最高级的享受!Horizon Hills凭着多项优势,从宣布项目计划后,就吸引购房者和投资者的目光。截至目前为止,发展商已完成多达280套洋房,均已全数售罄,反应热烈。 精心设计的豪华三层独立式洋房Mansion18,建筑面积从5800平方尺起,售价则从400万至650万令吉。 最值得关注的是,Mansion18在2023年5月份推出期间已售出高达90%,这款洋房特别在于其中有限量单位可以欣赏到高尔夫球场的美景,还有豪华宽敞的空间优势,及挑高的天花板设计,不仅提升了室内的空间感,也利用自然采光,对空间营造了美感。 这里拥有舒适、宽敞的内部空间和奢华的外观,适合大家庭居住,还可以让你随时沉浸在屡获殊荣的高尔夫球场的美景中。 值得一提的是,Mansion18 也荣获 Starproperty Awards 2022 最佳低密度开发项目和 PropertyGuru 亚洲房产奖之2022最佳豪华有地开发项目奖。 ■Morrinsville豪华双层排屋 看到Mansion18反应如此热烈,是不是让你心动了?要把握好机会,因为Horizon Hills接下来有即将推出的豪华双层排屋,名为“Morrinsville”,土地面积为26′ x 75’尺,建筑面积从3000平方英尺起,内部空间也宽敞大气,值得拥有。 ■D’Suites公寓也值得探索 除了Mansion18 豪华三层独立式洋房以及Morrinsville豪华双层排屋, Horizon Hills也有公寓单位供选择!新山与新加坡只有一桥之隔,如果每天往返两地的打工一族,不妨考虑D’Suites低密度公寓,这里不仅设施齐全,出入新马也十分方便。 另外,Horizon Hills里里外外都规划了全面的保安措施,沿着社区的围篱都安装了闭路电视,也备有双重和三重保安系统,让住在这里的居民感到安心自在。 ■备有学府、商圈和购物中心 满足居民生活需求 除了精心打造优美的环境,发展商也不忘住户的生活基本需求。在Horizon Hills里,就有即将竣工的购物中心“Horizon Mall” 和商圈“Horizon Square”,让住户可以享受休闲娱乐及随时购买生活用品的需求,十分便利。 Horizon Mall共有4层楼高,有多达15万平方尺的零售空间,这里有各种餐饮店和零售商店,住户可以和亲朋好友相聚在此,一起闲逛,购物和用餐,享受休闲时光及感受聚会的美好。 至于Horizon Square则是一个结合工作-生活-活动的商业中心,具备充足的停车位,多样化的零售空间可选择,以满足不同规模和类型的企业需求,也适用于小型办公室或是创意工作室。 学府方面,Horizon Hills 设有Invictus国际学校,这里提供幼儿园、小学和中学程度的教育。 这间国际学校可容纳 1500名学生,并将采用英国剑桥课程,涵盖学前教育、剑桥国际中学教育证书(IGCSE)和A Levels课程。 ■高尔夫球爱好者天堂 Horizon […]